Module monk.tf_keras_1.schedulers.common

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from tf_keras_1.schedulers.imports import *
from system.imports import *

# Code inspired from:

#Level - 1 - Helper classes - Keras
class LearningRateDecay:
    def plot(self, epochs, title="Learning Rate Schedule"):
        # compute the set of learning rates for each corresponding
        # epoch
        lrs = [self(i) for i in epochs]
        # the learning rate schedule"ggplot")
        plt.plot(epochs, lrs)
        plt.xlabel("Epoch #")
        plt.ylabel("Learning Rate")

class StepDecay(LearningRateDecay):
    def __init__(self, initAlpha=0.01, factor=0.25, dropEvery=10):
        # store the base initial learning rate, drop factor, and
        # epochs to drop every
        self.initAlpha = initAlpha
        self.factor = factor
        self.dropEvery = dropEvery
    def __call__(self, epoch):
        # compute the learning rate for the current epoch
        exp = np.floor((1 + epoch) / self.dropEvery)
        alpha = self.initAlpha * (self.factor ** exp)
        # return the learning rate
        print("New Lr: ", float(alpha))
        return float(alpha)

class PolynomialDecay(LearningRateDecay):
    def __init__(self, maxEpochs=100, initAlpha=0.01, power=1.0):
        # store the maximum number of epochs, base learning rate,
        # and power of the polynomial
        self.maxEpochs = maxEpochs
        self.initAlpha = initAlpha
        self.power = power
    def __call__(self, epoch):
        # compute the new learning rate based on polynomial decay
        decay = (1 - (epoch / float(self.maxEpochs))) ** self.power
        alpha = self.initAlpha * decay
        # return the learning rate
        print("New Lr: ", float(alpha))
        return float(alpha)


class LearningRateDecay (*args, **kwargs)
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class LearningRateDecay:
    def plot(self, epochs, title="Learning Rate Schedule"):
        # compute the set of learning rates for each corresponding
        # epoch
        lrs = [self(i) for i in epochs]
        # the learning rate schedule"ggplot")
        plt.plot(epochs, lrs)
        plt.xlabel("Epoch #")
        plt.ylabel("Learning Rate")



def plot(self, epochs, title='Learning Rate Schedule')
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def plot(self, epochs, title="Learning Rate Schedule"):
    # compute the set of learning rates for each corresponding
    # epoch
    lrs = [self(i) for i in epochs]

    # the learning rate schedule"ggplot")
    plt.plot(epochs, lrs)
    plt.xlabel("Epoch #")
    plt.ylabel("Learning Rate")
class PolynomialDecay (maxEpochs=100, initAlpha=0.01, power=1.0)
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class PolynomialDecay(LearningRateDecay):
    def __init__(self, maxEpochs=100, initAlpha=0.01, power=1.0):
        # store the maximum number of epochs, base learning rate,
        # and power of the polynomial
        self.maxEpochs = maxEpochs
        self.initAlpha = initAlpha
        self.power = power
    def __call__(self, epoch):
        # compute the new learning rate based on polynomial decay
        decay = (1 - (epoch / float(self.maxEpochs))) ** self.power
        alpha = self.initAlpha * decay
        # return the learning rate
        print("New Lr: ", float(alpha))
        return float(alpha)


class StepDecay (initAlpha=0.01, factor=0.25, dropEvery=10)
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class StepDecay(LearningRateDecay):
    def __init__(self, initAlpha=0.01, factor=0.25, dropEvery=10):
        # store the base initial learning rate, drop factor, and
        # epochs to drop every
        self.initAlpha = initAlpha
        self.factor = factor
        self.dropEvery = dropEvery
    def __call__(self, epoch):
        # compute the learning rate for the current epoch
        exp = np.floor((1 + epoch) / self.dropEvery)
        alpha = self.initAlpha * (self.factor ** exp)
        # return the learning rate
        print("New Lr: ", float(alpha))
        return float(alpha)
