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import os
import json
import numpy as np
from builtins import range
from symnet.logger import logger
from .imdb import IMDB
# coco api
from pycocotools.coco import COCO
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval
class coco(IMDB):
classes = ['__background__', # always index 0
'person', 'bicycle', 'car', 'motorcycle', 'airplane', 'bus', 'train',
'truck', 'boat', 'traffic light', 'fire hydrant', 'stop sign',
'parking meter', 'bench', 'bird', 'cat', 'dog', 'horse', 'sheep',
'cow', 'elephant', 'bear', 'zebra', 'giraffe', 'backpack', 'umbrella',
'handbag', 'tie', 'suitcase', 'frisbee', 'skis', 'snowboard',
'sports ball', 'kite', 'baseball bat', 'baseball glove', 'skateboard',
'surfboard', 'tennis racket', 'bottle', 'wine glass', 'cup', 'fork',
'knife', 'spoon', 'bowl', 'banana', 'apple', 'sandwich', 'orange',
'broccoli', 'carrot', 'hot dog', 'pizza', 'donut', 'cake', 'chair',
'couch', 'potted plant', 'bed', 'dining table', 'toilet', 'tv',
'laptop', 'mouse', 'remote', 'keyboard', 'cell phone', 'microwave',
'oven', 'toaster', 'sink', 'refrigerator', 'book', 'clock', 'vase',
'scissors', 'teddy bear', 'hair drier', 'toothbrush']
def __init__(self, image_set, root_path, data_path):
fill basic information to initialize imdb
:param image_set: train2017, val2017
:param root_path: 'data', will write 'cache'
:param data_path: 'data/coco', load data and write results
super(coco, self).__init__('coco_' + image_set, root_path)
# example: annotations/instances_train2017.json
self._anno_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'annotations', 'instances_' + image_set + '.json')
# example train2017/000000119993.jpg
self._image_file_tmpl = os.path.join(data_path, image_set, '{}')
# example detections_val2017_results.json
self._result_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'detections_{}_results.json'.format(image_set))
# get roidb
if("custom" in image_set):
self.classes = ['__background__'];
self._classes_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'annotations', 'classes.txt');
f = open(self._classes_file);
lines = f.readlines();
for i in range(len(lines)):
self.classes = ['__background__'];
self._classes_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'annotations', 'classes.txt');
f = open(self._classes_file);
lines = f.readlines();
for i in range(len(lines)):
self._roidb = self._get_cached('roidb', self._load_gt_roidb)'%s num_images %d' % (, self.num_images))
def _load_gt_roidb(self):
_coco = COCO(self._anno_file)
# deal with class names
cats = [cat['name'] for cat in _coco.loadCats(_coco.getCatIds())]
class_to_coco_ind = dict(zip(cats, _coco.getCatIds()))
class_to_ind = dict(zip(self.classes, range(self.num_classes)))
coco_ind_to_class_ind = dict([(class_to_coco_ind[cls], class_to_ind[cls])
for cls in self.classes[1:]])
image_ids = _coco.getImgIds()
gt_roidb = [self._load_annotation(_coco, coco_ind_to_class_ind, index) for index in image_ids]
return gt_roidb
def _load_annotation(self, _coco, coco_ind_to_class_ind, index):
coco ann: [u'segmentation', u'area', u'iscrowd', u'image_id', u'bbox', u'category_id', u'id']
crowd instances are handled by marking their overlaps with all categories to -1
and later excluded in training
[x1, y1, w, h]
:param index: coco image id
:return: roidb entry
im_ann = _coco.loadImgs(index)[0]
filename = self._image_file_tmpl.format(im_ann['file_name'])
width = im_ann['width']
height = im_ann['height']
annIds = _coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=index, iscrowd=None)
objs = _coco.loadAnns(annIds)
# sanitize bboxes
valid_objs = []
for obj in objs:
x, y, w, h = obj['bbox']
x1 = np.max((0, x))
y1 = np.max((0, y))
x2 = np.min((width - 1, x1 + np.max((0, w - 1))))
y2 = np.min((height - 1, y1 + np.max((0, h - 1))))
if obj['area'] > 0 and x2 >= x1 and y2 >= y1:
obj['clean_bbox'] = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
objs = valid_objs
num_objs = len(objs)
boxes = np.zeros((num_objs, 4), dtype=np.uint16)
gt_classes = np.zeros((num_objs,), dtype=np.int32)
for ix, obj in enumerate(objs):
cls = coco_ind_to_class_ind[obj['category_id']]
boxes[ix, :] = obj['clean_bbox']
gt_classes[ix] = cls
roi_rec = {'index': index,
'image': filename,
'height': height,
'width': width,
'boxes': boxes,
'gt_classes': gt_classes,
'flipped': False}
return roi_rec
def _evaluate_detections(self, detections, **kargs):
_coco = COCO(self._anno_file)
self._write_coco_results(_coco, detections)
def _write_coco_results(self, _coco, detections):
""" example results
[{"image_id": 42,
"category_id": 18,
"bbox": [258.15,41.29,348.26,243.78],
"score": 0.236}, ...]
cats = [cat['name'] for cat in _coco.loadCats(_coco.getCatIds())]
class_to_coco_ind = dict(zip(cats, _coco.getCatIds()))
results = []
for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(self.classes):
if cls == '__background__':
continue'collecting %s results (%d/%d)' % (cls, cls_ind, self.num_classes - 1))
coco_cat_id = class_to_coco_ind[cls]
results.extend(self._coco_results_one_category(detections[cls_ind], coco_cat_id))'writing results json to %s' % self._result_file)
with open(self._result_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(results, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def _coco_results_one_category(self, boxes, cat_id):
results = []
for im_ind, roi_rec in enumerate(self.roidb):
index = roi_rec['index']
dets = boxes[im_ind].astype(np.float)
if len(dets) == 0:
scores = dets[:, -1]
xs = dets[:, 0]
ys = dets[:, 1]
ws = dets[:, 2] - xs + 1
hs = dets[:, 3] - ys + 1
result = [{'image_id': index,
'category_id': cat_id,
'bbox': [xs[k], ys[k], ws[k], hs[k]],
'score': scores[k]} for k in range(dets.shape[0])]
return results
def _do_python_eval(self, _coco):
coco_dt = _coco.loadRes(self._result_file)
coco_eval = COCOeval(_coco, coco_dt)
coco_eval.params.useSegm = False
def _print_detection_metrics(self, coco_eval):
IoU_lo_thresh = 0.5
IoU_hi_thresh = 0.95
def _get_thr_ind(coco_eval, thr):
ind = np.where((coco_eval.params.iouThrs > thr - 1e-5) &
(coco_eval.params.iouThrs < thr + 1e-5))[0][0]
iou_thr = coco_eval.params.iouThrs[ind]
assert np.isclose(iou_thr, thr)
return ind
ind_lo = _get_thr_ind(coco_eval, IoU_lo_thresh)
ind_hi = _get_thr_ind(coco_eval, IoU_hi_thresh)
# precision has dims (iou, recall, cls, area range, max dets)
# area range index 0: all area ranges
# max dets index 2: 100 per image
precision = \
coco_eval.eval['precision'][ind_lo:(ind_hi + 1), :, :, 0, 2]
ap_default = np.mean(precision[precision > -1])'~~~~ Mean and per-category AP @ IoU=%.2f,%.2f] ~~~~' % (IoU_lo_thresh, IoU_hi_thresh))'%-15s %5.1f' % ('all', 100 * ap_default))
for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(self.classes):
if cls == '__background__':
# minus 1 because of __background__
precision = coco_eval.eval['precision'][ind_lo:(ind_hi + 1), :, cls_ind - 1, 0, 2]
ap = np.mean(precision[precision > -1])'%-15s %5.1f' % (cls, 100 * ap))'~~~~ Summary metrics ~~~~')
class coco (image_set, root_path, data_path)
fill basic information to initialize imdb :param image_set: train2017, val2017 :param root_path: 'data', will write 'cache' :param data_path: 'data/coco', load data and write results
Expand source code
class coco(IMDB): classes = ['__background__', # always index 0 'person', 'bicycle', 'car', 'motorcycle', 'airplane', 'bus', 'train', 'truck', 'boat', 'traffic light', 'fire hydrant', 'stop sign', 'parking meter', 'bench', 'bird', 'cat', 'dog', 'horse', 'sheep', 'cow', 'elephant', 'bear', 'zebra', 'giraffe', 'backpack', 'umbrella', 'handbag', 'tie', 'suitcase', 'frisbee', 'skis', 'snowboard', 'sports ball', 'kite', 'baseball bat', 'baseball glove', 'skateboard', 'surfboard', 'tennis racket', 'bottle', 'wine glass', 'cup', 'fork', 'knife', 'spoon', 'bowl', 'banana', 'apple', 'sandwich', 'orange', 'broccoli', 'carrot', 'hot dog', 'pizza', 'donut', 'cake', 'chair', 'couch', 'potted plant', 'bed', 'dining table', 'toilet', 'tv', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'remote', 'keyboard', 'cell phone', 'microwave', 'oven', 'toaster', 'sink', 'refrigerator', 'book', 'clock', 'vase', 'scissors', 'teddy bear', 'hair drier', 'toothbrush'] def __init__(self, image_set, root_path, data_path): """ fill basic information to initialize imdb :param image_set: train2017, val2017 :param root_path: 'data', will write 'cache' :param data_path: 'data/coco', load data and write results """ super(coco, self).__init__('coco_' + image_set, root_path) # example: annotations/instances_train2017.json self._anno_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'annotations', 'instances_' + image_set + '.json') # example train2017/000000119993.jpg self._image_file_tmpl = os.path.join(data_path, image_set, '{}') # example detections_val2017_results.json self._result_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'detections_{}_results.json'.format(image_set)) # get roidb ''' if("custom" in image_set): self.classes = ['__background__']; self._classes_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'annotations', 'classes.txt'); f = open(self._classes_file); lines = f.readlines(); f.close(); for i in range(len(lines)): self.classes.append(lines[i][:len(lines[i])-1]); ''' self.classes = ['__background__']; self._classes_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'annotations', 'classes.txt'); f = open(self._classes_file); lines = f.readlines(); f.close(); for i in range(len(lines)): self.classes.append(lines[i][:len(lines[i])-1]); self._roidb = self._get_cached('roidb', self._load_gt_roidb)'%s num_images %d' % (, self.num_images)) def _load_gt_roidb(self): _coco = COCO(self._anno_file) # deal with class names cats = [cat['name'] for cat in _coco.loadCats(_coco.getCatIds())] class_to_coco_ind = dict(zip(cats, _coco.getCatIds())) class_to_ind = dict(zip(self.classes, range(self.num_classes))) coco_ind_to_class_ind = dict([(class_to_coco_ind[cls], class_to_ind[cls]) for cls in self.classes[1:]]) image_ids = _coco.getImgIds() gt_roidb = [self._load_annotation(_coco, coco_ind_to_class_ind, index) for index in image_ids] return gt_roidb def _load_annotation(self, _coco, coco_ind_to_class_ind, index): """ coco ann: [u'segmentation', u'area', u'iscrowd', u'image_id', u'bbox', u'category_id', u'id'] iscrowd: crowd instances are handled by marking their overlaps with all categories to -1 and later excluded in training bbox: [x1, y1, w, h] :param index: coco image id :return: roidb entry """ im_ann = _coco.loadImgs(index)[0] filename = self._image_file_tmpl.format(im_ann['file_name']) width = im_ann['width'] height = im_ann['height'] annIds = _coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=index, iscrowd=None) objs = _coco.loadAnns(annIds) # sanitize bboxes valid_objs = [] for obj in objs: x, y, w, h = obj['bbox'] x1 = np.max((0, x)) y1 = np.max((0, y)) x2 = np.min((width - 1, x1 + np.max((0, w - 1)))) y2 = np.min((height - 1, y1 + np.max((0, h - 1)))) if obj['area'] > 0 and x2 >= x1 and y2 >= y1: obj['clean_bbox'] = [x1, y1, x2, y2] valid_objs.append(obj) objs = valid_objs num_objs = len(objs) boxes = np.zeros((num_objs, 4), dtype=np.uint16) gt_classes = np.zeros((num_objs,), dtype=np.int32) for ix, obj in enumerate(objs): cls = coco_ind_to_class_ind[obj['category_id']] boxes[ix, :] = obj['clean_bbox'] gt_classes[ix] = cls roi_rec = {'index': index, 'image': filename, 'height': height, 'width': width, 'boxes': boxes, 'gt_classes': gt_classes, 'flipped': False} return roi_rec def _evaluate_detections(self, detections, **kargs): _coco = COCO(self._anno_file) self._write_coco_results(_coco, detections) self._do_python_eval(_coco) def _write_coco_results(self, _coco, detections): """ example results [{"image_id": 42, "category_id": 18, "bbox": [258.15,41.29,348.26,243.78], "score": 0.236}, ...] """ cats = [cat['name'] for cat in _coco.loadCats(_coco.getCatIds())] class_to_coco_ind = dict(zip(cats, _coco.getCatIds())) results = [] for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(self.classes): if cls == '__background__': continue'collecting %s results (%d/%d)' % (cls, cls_ind, self.num_classes - 1)) coco_cat_id = class_to_coco_ind[cls] results.extend(self._coco_results_one_category(detections[cls_ind], coco_cat_id))'writing results json to %s' % self._result_file) with open(self._result_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(results, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) def _coco_results_one_category(self, boxes, cat_id): results = [] for im_ind, roi_rec in enumerate(self.roidb): index = roi_rec['index'] dets = boxes[im_ind].astype(np.float) if len(dets) == 0: continue scores = dets[:, -1] xs = dets[:, 0] ys = dets[:, 1] ws = dets[:, 2] - xs + 1 hs = dets[:, 3] - ys + 1 result = [{'image_id': index, 'category_id': cat_id, 'bbox': [xs[k], ys[k], ws[k], hs[k]], 'score': scores[k]} for k in range(dets.shape[0])] results.extend(result) return results def _do_python_eval(self, _coco): coco_dt = _coco.loadRes(self._result_file) coco_eval = COCOeval(_coco, coco_dt) coco_eval.params.useSegm = False coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() self._print_detection_metrics(coco_eval) def _print_detection_metrics(self, coco_eval): IoU_lo_thresh = 0.5 IoU_hi_thresh = 0.95 def _get_thr_ind(coco_eval, thr): ind = np.where((coco_eval.params.iouThrs > thr - 1e-5) & (coco_eval.params.iouThrs < thr + 1e-5))[0][0] iou_thr = coco_eval.params.iouThrs[ind] assert np.isclose(iou_thr, thr) return ind ind_lo = _get_thr_ind(coco_eval, IoU_lo_thresh) ind_hi = _get_thr_ind(coco_eval, IoU_hi_thresh) # precision has dims (iou, recall, cls, area range, max dets) # area range index 0: all area ranges # max dets index 2: 100 per image precision = \ coco_eval.eval['precision'][ind_lo:(ind_hi + 1), :, :, 0, 2] ap_default = np.mean(precision[precision > -1])'~~~~ Mean and per-category AP @ IoU=%.2f,%.2f] ~~~~' % (IoU_lo_thresh, IoU_hi_thresh))'%-15s %5.1f' % ('all', 100 * ap_default)) for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(self.classes): if cls == '__background__': continue # minus 1 because of __background__ precision = coco_eval.eval['precision'][ind_lo:(ind_hi + 1), :, cls_ind - 1, 0, 2] ap = np.mean(precision[precision > -1])'%-15s %5.1f' % (cls, 100 * ap))'~~~~ Summary metrics ~~~~') coco_eval.summarize()
Class variables
var classes
Inherited members